1st Year Class Smart Syllabus Punjab Borad 2020-21
1st Year Class Smart Syllabus All Punjab Board 2020-21
Reduce the syllabus 11th-year class
The smart syllabus is for the 11th class. The Punjab Higher Education Department decided to reduce the syllabus of Class intermediate syllabus due to the coronavirus lockdown period 2020. intermediate classes started with a delay of over 4 months, Last month, the government also made the smart syllabus for the matric. Now the Government Punjab Higher Education Department issue the smart syllabus. The purpose of shortening the syllabus is to help students prepare well for their exams in 2021. The syllabus has been developed to address the time loss caused by the coronavirus
11th-year ALPĀ Smart Syllabus
11th Class Smart Syllabus download now
12th-year ALPĀ Smart Syllabus
12th Class Smart Syllabus download now